These next two images are of my new keggle (brew pot made out of a keg), I have 2 of them, one for a hot liquor tank and one for a boil kettle. I had all the steel work done at a professional shop where they cut off the top and rounded the edge and welded 3 1/2"Stainless steel NPT couplings onto it. One is used for the ball valve, one is used for the Thermometer (purchased off ebay) and one is used for the sight glass ( I was able to get a 16"x16" turkey fryer which this fits on. Also the thermometer is low enough for 5 gallon batches and the sight glass kind of works for 5 gallon batches:
So, here is the top down view. As you can see there is a copper tube in there. Since the keggles bottom is rounded and the ball valve is placed about 1 inch above the bottom, you need a tube (in this case a copper tube) that goes from the ball valve coupling to the bottom, and when you start a siphon by draining it, it will clear all but a tiny bit of liquid from bottom:
Here is my new mash tun. This will be used primarily for 10 gallon batches but it can be used for 5 gallon batches (i'd rather use my smaller mash tun just so i have less air space in the tun). In the top right there is a nipple so you can draw the fluid into the manifold at the top. Also on the top right corner you see a hole, this is a work in progress for a panel mounted thermometer i have, so i can mount it there and monitor mash temps.
Here is the manifold on the inside and the false bottom manifold. Both seemed to work well the first time i brewed with it. The one on the top has small holes drilled into it so the water gently pours on top of the grain bail, and the one on the bottom has thin slits on the bottom so it drains the liquid and leaves the grist behind.