Thursday, May 22, 2008

Beer to secondary

So I transfered my 15 gallons of beer to three secondaries using my Auto-siphon for the first time. When i first bought this, i thought it may have been a waste of money, but it was the only siphon tube at my LHBS that would reach to the bottom of my 10 gallon fermenter, but i'll tell you what, this was great. It was nice for starting siphons and also for pumping out the last bit of usable liquid from the bottom of a bucket.

Here are the three brews. From left to right, Honey Wheat normal, Vinny Lite, and Honey Wheat dry hopped:

Close up of the normal honey wheat:

Close up of the vinny lite, seems i missed the 5 gallon mark, it looks more like 4.5 gallons but whatever. Also it is significantly lighter than that picture shows, beers always looker darker than they actually are when in the carboys:

Dry hopped honey wheat, it has 1 oz of hole leaf Cascade hops. I chose them because they have a citrusy flavor and I was hoping that would work well with the honey and the wheat. All in all this is just a random experiment that i hope makes something that is atleast drinkable: