I recently moved into an apartment, so i don't hvae my old big kegerator. I knew i couldn't get one of the big ones like I used to have, so I decided that I wanted something that took up a relatively small footprint, but could still hold 3 kegs...
First I looked at using a commercial kegerator, since some of them can hold 3 cornies... After looking into that, I decided they were too expensive, would ahve costed me a minimum of 600 bucks...
Eventually i stumbled across the Holiday 5.3 cu ft kegerator, which held 3 cornies, for 180 at lowes (pictured below)...
Anyways, I bought that... Then I decided that since I was only gonna have 3 taps, that rather than build another collar, I could just buy a tower, and make it look significantly nicer... So I had the opportunity to buy a 3 tower tap on the cheap and jumped at it... Pictured below...
I didn't take any pictures of me putting it together, but it was fairly simple, i cut holes through the top, then since it was alittle wobbly, i cut away the insulation under it and mounted a piece of wood and i replaced the screws that came with it with flat bottomed metal screws and fastened it to the bottom of the wood real tight... Now it don't shake at all... Anyways, here are the pictures
That is a steelers magnet i figure would make it look alittle more sporty... I still need to wire the temp controller but that will take me 10 min...